Sunday Prayer

A Personal Prayer Offered To My Higher Power

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Sharing my heart during these dark times seems like the right thing to do. Be gentle dear ones.

Dear Goddess,

Please be with me today. Help me to just be, to live in each breath and to feel each moment.

Help me to focus with gratitude on what shows up for me today and keep me from wanting what is not available. Help me to embrace the truth and to rid myself of wishful or deceitful thinking.

Be with me as I keep my heart open, even when it wants to close. Help me to receive all of the goodness and love that is available to me today.

Help me to accept any hurts or violations of boundary and let my hurt tell me what needs to be done.

Help me to know my truth and not to allow anyone to talk me out of it with slick words or masked intentions.

Help me to inhabit my body as a fully awake woman who is able to handle and process any sensations that arise because I am the decider of my actions. My feelings and my body do not control me, they just inform me.

Be with me when old habits call like an old, comfy sweater to lure me away from new habits and adventures. There will be other sources of comfort on this journey and the old ones won’t fit anymore. Help me to have patience and calm while the way is made clear and new comforts are prepared.

Help me to never feel shame for the love I have in my heart that bubbles up and bursts out of me and onto others. It is not too much, it is not meant to be kept inside. It is a gift, not a weakness to love and to share it is brave. Holding it in is what scared people do. I don’t have to be scared and sharing my heart with safe people is the most important thing I can do right now.

Be with me as I tackle responsibilities that make me doubt my strength and abilities. Never, ever have I failed to survived anything that has tested me. Please have my back and remind me when I forget, that I am a badass.

Lastly, please look after the hearts of those I love. My people keep me sane, strong, and humble. I need them and I want them safe and loved. Let us all be an example of living with in open heart, a humble heart, full of love even when the world tells us to close it, to protect it and to fear.

Help me to embody a fully alive, brave, strong, empathetic, and love filled woman today. Help me to play, rest, work, create, and to love my people and myself well.
