I Believe In Destiny

I can't say I understand it, but I believe

Paradise Cove 2018.jpg

About 6 or more years ago I made a vision board. I had heard about vision boards on television and in magazines. I decided what the heck. I think I had just read "The Secret" and I wanted to create my own reality. I wanted and needed to have dreams. 

I gathered all my Oprah and AAA magazines and made my board. I had a variety of things on there like cute shoes, home decor color schemes, quotes that rang true to me and a few travel destinations. I also had a picture of what I imagined my inner child to be. She wore a swim suit, a swim floatie around her waist, had on rain boots, sunglasses and wild hair. I felt her in my soul but I didn't really know her yet. She was on my board. Some of the things I put on were just because they appealed to me visually. A guy riding a low tricycle with a fish kite on top?? I don't know. I liked the fun lunacy of it. Elephants were on my board, I love them. I love their maternal instincts, that the females stick together and that they mourn their dead.

My vision board has been hanging in my bedroom for a good long time. Every now and again I look to see if I've accomplished anything. I've started to search for and honor my inner child, and yes she is a beautiful, wild, fun mess. I've been looking for my strong tribe of women, like the elephants have, and I'm in the process of redecorating/remodeling my house. So yeah, I was getting some things done. The board was a good reminder of some of the goals I had. 

Last week though, I experienced destiny. To me destiny is when against all logic, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there, with no control over it on your part. I went to Malibu California.  I did not pick this destination. It was picked for me. I was looking for some healing. By events outside my control, the person I was reaching out to for help and healing, moved to Los Angeles, California. We had agreed to meet in Malibu for the work. 

Having never been to Malibu or Los Angeles, I went online to get my bearing about where I would be staying and what was in the area. I was looking at beaches near the rental homes I was looking at and kept coming across the same picture. It was a white sign for the Paradise Cove beach in Malibu. I kept thinking that this sign looked familiar to me, I had seen it before. Weird, I thought. 

When I went up to my bedroom later that night, I saw it. It was on my vision board. That same sign that I kept seeing online was right there where it had been for the last six years. DESTINY! All of the universe conspired to get me to Malibu! Up until this point I had my doubts about traveling for this healing work. I was scared, I knew it would be expensive, I was in the middle of a house remodel and an extremely busy life. Was I ready? Was it the right time? Was it the right place with the right people? 

Paradise cove vision board.jpg

All of those questions and fears were answered when I saw that picture waiting there for me. It was a reassurance to me that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, who I was supposed to be, getting the help I needed to get with the people where were meant to help me. I believed in it and I believed in me. It was so exciting and comforting to feel this confirmation. 

Getting myself to California and doing the work that I wanted and needed to do was not easy. I wanted to run, quit, turn back, and doubt. In the back of my mind though was this picture. Of my vision board, in my bedroom in Michigan, made by my 6 or more years ago self. She didn't know this would happen, but she was courageous enough to believe it might. If she could believe back then, I could believe now and I would. 

To say that going to Malibu was life changing for me would be an understatement. It was one of the best things I've ever done and some of the hardest healing work I've ever done. The words "spiritual awakening" come to mind when I go back there in my mind. A coming home to me, to my life, to my true self, and to faith is what I gained. I'm so grateful for taking the risk, for following the signs along the way and for trusting myself, my path, and those set forth on it to guide me.

Like I said above, I believe in destiny. I don't understand it, I don't know how it all works, but I have experienced it, over and over in my life, in more powerful ways each time. Seeing the sign in real life, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, feet in the sand, gathering rocks and shells, eating a very overpriced but gigantic fish and chips with my person, I was home. I've already started a new board, this one is online and it is big. I'm excited to see where I go from here. Happy travels friends!