I'm Starting A Blog

Seriously, I'm a blogger now!

Image credit: Google Images

Image credit: Google Images

The year 2017 was declared, by me, The Year of Carie. I didn't know what it would mean but I declared it. A lot of things have happened but one of the coolest and most exciting for me was that I became a published writer. It actually started in September of 2016 when I joined the Self Love Beauty arm of Odyssey online. I wrote a weekly article and loved it. In January of 2017, Lisa Thompson asked all of the writers to come up with goals. One of my goals was to have my own website or blog. I started building it in the summer. I got overwhelmed and stopped. 

Last week I decided it was time. The year was almost over and how could it really be The Year Of Carie if I didn't have a website or blog? I built my page. I don't know if I understand it all. I don't know how to do a lot of things yet, but isn't that how everything great in life starts? I'm going to put it out there un-perfected, because not perfect is better than not at all. 

I write. It has always been that way. I have stacks and stacks of journals from every stage of my life since at least high school (though I'm not sure where some ended up). It is how I process my feelings. I write until it makes sense. It is a release. I write until I am drained of all that I have. It is a joy. I use it to lift myself and others. It is healing. I can see how I grow and change over time when I look back at it. 

So I'm taking this show on it's own road here. I will be writing here when writing needs to be done for me. I will be writing here about my life, my thoughts, my questions, my doubts, my observations, my convictions, my wonder, and my experiences. Take what you like and leave the rest. I will be posting pictures of parking lot sunsets, animals and things that bring me joy. 

This will be a work in progress just like me. I'm excited to start. I'm excited to learn. I'm proud of myself for trying something new and fulfilling a promise I made to myself almost a year ago.

Cat-writer (Carie Ann Terrill-writer)